20 Jun 2012

Dear My Family

Diposting oleh Zana di Rabu, Juni 20, 2012

Mau share lirik OST I AM yang judulnya Dear My Family. Liriknya baguuuss.. Ibu, Iqbal, Nia, uhibbukum fillaah.. :* :* :*

Dear My Family (OST I AM)
SM Town

When I can’t find a place to stand
When I am lost inside a storm

They unchangingly gave me love and courage
To them, I send my thanks

There were times when I felt alone
Many of my past days were filled with crying

How painful must it have been for you
How hard must it have been for you
Now I finally realize

Till my life ends, till the world ends
We will be together forever

Just as small hearts together become great strength
We believe that we are one
Let us create happiness together
Till the day we become the light to this dried up world
I love you

Are you dreaming the same dream as I am?
Are you really looking at the same place as I am?

Only that can heal the pain from the bruises of the world
If only we take care of each other

Till my life ends, till the world ends
We will be together forever

Just as small hearts together become great strength
We believe that we are one
Let us create happiness together
Till the day we become the light to this dried up world
I love you

If there are people who are in despair in front of us
We need to be great strength to help them get up again
Because they will need the hand of a family

Just as small hearts together become great strength
We believe that we are one
Let us create happiness together
Till the day we become the light to this dried up world
I love you

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